New SixSq SlipStream Connector for Flexiant FCO

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CELAR has developed a SlipStream cloud connector for Flexiant Cloud Orchestrator (FCO).

It was officially released as part of the first version of the CELAR Elasticity Platform, which uses SlipStream as an applications deployment provisioner and orchestrator. Whilst the CELAR platform can be configured to work with any cloud supported by SlipStream, the development of the connector allows FCO to come pre-installed.

To fully integrate with all the workflows available in SlipStream, the connector covers the run image, build imagine, and start/terminate deployment capabilities. As part of the scalability workflows, the project tested the connector on real applications.

The code for the connector is open source, and available here. The pre-build binaries are available as RPMs for RedHat systems.

To install the connector on a pre-installed SlipStream server please run: ‘yum install slipstream-connector-fco slipstream-connector-fco-python’. Once the connector is installed, you should instantiate its instances and configure them via SlipStream’s standard https:///configuration resource.

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