In our latest blog, Jack from Playgen takes us through the workings of DataPlay in this short video. DataPlay is a data analysis and exploration game, made for people who are not experts in data analysis or data mining. It’s designed to combine the power of human intuition for pattern recognition with machine data processing, …Continue Reading
The processing demands of The University of Manchester’s Paterson Institute for Cancer Research (PICR) are subject to high levels of variation, meaning that at times of high demand the limitations of their private infrastructure can result in delays. Greatly extending this infrastructure to better meet peak demand would be wasteful, as frequently the available resources …Continue Reading
CELAR has developed a SlipStream cloud connector for Flexiant Cloud Orchestrator (FCO). It was officially released as part of the first version of the CELAR Elasticity Platform, which uses SlipStream as an applications deployment provisioner and orchestrator. Whilst the CELAR platform can be configured to work with any cloud supported by SlipStream, the development of the connector allows FCO to …Continue Reading